Payment Methods
To find a payment schedule for your Free & Easy trip please click here
- Make a Payment with your credit card
- Make an "Email Money Transfer" EMT payment *Canada Only
Credit Card
To pay with a credit card, please login to 'Your Trip' page and click 'Make a Payment'. All your payments will be tracked in 'Your Trip' page as well.
Email Money Transfer
Please include a note with your name and FET ID#
All Email Money Transfers can simply be sent to travel@freeandeasy.ca Please email travel@freeandeasy.ca with the password upon sending the money along with your name and your 10 digit, alpha-numeric FET number (EX: FET1234567) found on 'Your Trip' page. *For Canadian travelers only.
NOTE - For option 2 please ensure that your FET ID# is correct and matches the FET ID# given to you by Free & Easy…you don’t want to be paying for someone else’s trip!!!